Monday, 4 April 2011

Featured artist-Megan Eckman, Studio MME

Megan Eckman/Studio MME from San Jose, California, is a pen and ink illustrator who loves making kids smile with her quirky pen and ink illustrations. From girls who grow antlers and run away to the woods to magical fish that grant 3 wishes, Megan tries to make her viewers ask, "Why couldn't that happen?More information can be found on her website: 

What is your background?
In 2009 I graduated with degrees in art and creative writing.  I then picked up my belongings and moved cross-country from North Dakota to California so my boyfriend could pursue his graduate degree in photography.  I’ve now settled into my sunny home (though I’m far too pale to live here – which is why I own three tubes of sunscreen at all times) and am loving my new creative community.

What mediums do you work with?
Generally I work with pen and ink.  I’m a HUGE fan of the technical Rapidograph pens, which are slowly going out of existence thanks to drafting computer programs.  I just branched out into screenprinting as well!  So excited!!

What other work do you do?
I’m a freelance writer for Backpacker magazine and write recipes about once a month for them.  I also contribute every other week to Indie Made ( with business articles for creative entrepreneurs.

How do you market yourself?
I’m a huge believer in the power of blogs and that’s where I spend the majority of my time.  In addition to keeping my own blog ( fresh and entertaining for my readers, I contact blogs that fit my target market to look into guest posts or features.  I’m also active on Facebook (

Where do you sell and exhibit?
I sell limited edition prints of my pen and ink illustrations on my website (  In addition I sell open edition prints and home décor items on Etsy (  Locally, I sell at the SF Renegade Craft and other Bay area events.

How do you see your work developing?
I recently launched a home décor line that features my work on canvas pillowcases.  I’m thinking of developing a line of handbags as well, as my sewing skills improve.  I’m also, secretly, working on a small illustrated book that will be coming out in the middle of April via my mailing list for free!

Who are your heroes?
Ever since the museum I worked for exhibited a show on Rodin’s sculptures, I’ve been an enormous fan of Camille Claudel.  Her tragic story struck such a deep chord with me and because of her I have pushed forward in my art.

If you could steal one piece from a gallery what would it be?
Oooh, good question.  If security and sniffer dogs and the FBI were not going to land on my front door, I think I would take Klimt’s “Salome”.

What books and blogs can't you live without?
“The Princess Bride” by William Goldman
“Howl’s Moving Castle” by Diana Wynne Jones
“Sabriel” by Garth Nix
Anything by Patricia McKillip
Scoutie Girl by Tara Gentile (
Olive Bites by Cat Ivins (
Inside a Black Apple by Emily Winfield (

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