Friday, 22 July 2011

Print and Ink

I've been struggling to cut lots of lino recently due to a bit of wrist pain, so i've decided not to push my luck and try something a little less strenuous on the joints and have a go at using some artists inks in my work instead. I love using these inks, and the delicate effects you can create with them, in contrast to the bold style of the lino print.
So I've mixed the two methods, printing these little nightingales and hand finishing the pieces with artists inks. i quite like the idea of mixing the two mediums, and it's a lot less painful too !


  1. It really works, they're great x

  2. beautifully done :) take care of your wrist x

  3. Lovely-all 'Art' methods/techniques are there to be used, we make our own cages by compartmentalising styles and techniques.......!!!

  4. Gorgeous! Take care of that wrist, hope it improves soon x

  5. Really beautiful and delicate. Hope your wrist is better soon :)

  6. The joints do take a pounding don't they! But cutting is definitely my favourite part of the process - would love to have an assistant to do the ink rolling and cleaning up!

    I love the colours you've used for these.


  7. Thank you, tbh i think the wrist problem is just a combination of lack of power steering on the car, too much lino cutting and a bit of muscle strain, i'm sure it will go away soon though.

    Celia, wouldn't it be lovely to have an assistant to clear up! It's definitely the worst part of the process!
    Amanda x

  8. You are such a talented lady. These are beautiful..

  9. These are beautiful, I love the colours you've used :)

  10. Oh, they are gorgeous! I know they'll be so popular. Another superbly detailed piece of artwork, Amanda...stunning!

  11. Absolutely gorgeous, I just love the different textures created with the different methods.

    Here's to your wrist improving very soon.

  12. Lovely as always, I hope the wrist gets better soon. Pulling prints by hand is very strenuous isn't it?

  13. So lovely! That red bird really pops. I am having so much fun today checking out printmakers blogs- yours is gorgeous!
