So it seemed a good day to try a little printing again. I've been thinking about some new prints, wanting to go bolder and bigger than my usual work, something fresh and new for the Autumn.
So i set about carving a print based upon the peacock feather, a lovely decorative image that can be interpreted in so many different ways. The first plate i cut turned out to be a return to type for me, a heavily folk inspired piece and perhaps still a little influenced by the meeting i had with Saira and her beautiful saris several weeks ago......
I was really pleased with this print, and the colours worked really well, but it wasn't the simple design i was looking for. So i decided to look again at the peacock feather design, this time keeping it very simple and stylized. I cut a new plate and decided to print on larger paper (A3 as opposed to the usual A4 size)
Although the second print needs a little tweaking and is far from the finished article, it was great to get the idea and print actually down on paper and has given my the inspiration i need for working larger in the future.
Beautiful prints!
ReplyDeleteReally love the prints and I love the progression through to the stylised design.
ReplyDeleteThank you :)) tbh it was just good to get back printing again after a break.