Friday, 16 March 2012

Web site

After a lot of deliberation and playing around with various sites, i have finally managed to produce a little web site.  It was a steep learning curve for me, as i have no experience of web design or website building, but i finally got there. I admire those that can produce wonderful sites, using those scary HTML codes, and i did cheat a little and use a ready made template web site builder, which was so helpful. I have yet to add the ending, and hopefully add a shop so people can buy directly from the website, but at the moment, i'm just pleased that it's up and running.


  1. Congratulations - it is looking really lovely, smart and fresh and easy to navigate - how exciting!

  2. Congratulations on your new site. It is beautiful.

  3. great job amanda! that's something that's been on my 'to do' list for some time now ;)

  4. Well done Amanda, I will take a look soon. I experienced the same steep learning curve with my web site last year, it's not easy to do! I used Clikpic.

  5. Thanks everyone, really great to get your feedback : )

  6. It's utterly beautiful Amanda - love the different sections or 'departments' for the prints. I agree about the word HTML striking terror and defeat into the heart, but you have inspired me to try, Gilly

  7. Thank you Gilly- definately have a go, if i can do it, anyone can ! ;-)

  8. Your website looks wonderful, Amanda, congratulations!
