Wednesday, 18 April 2012

Little Bee

It's great to think Spring is well and truly here, the windows and doors have been open in the house, and of course the warmer weather brings other delights and visitors. A couple of weeks ago, the most beautiful bumble bee flew into the kitchen, had a little look around, then gently flew back out again. So in honour of spring, and the beautiful bee, here's a little print. Sometimes the small things can leave a lasting impression. Amanda x


  1. I love the story and the picture! You are so talented. It makes me smile:)

  2. It's beautiful Amanda. We had a bee just like that fly into our kitchen at the w/e. Its markings were beautiful... proper big yellow and black stripes.

  3. Maybe she was a queen looking for a new home?

    Your lovely design would make a great tile too.

  4. Bee-utiful print Amanda. Sorry I just couldn't resist.

  5. What a beautiful image.


    Nina x

  6. Gorgeous...congratulations, Amanda...

    The beautiful detail, design and imagination, gives such a lovely print...

  7. Your little bee is gorgeous!Bee- utiful.

  8. Thanks everyone: )

    @Tabiboo- Hi Nina. "Waves hello" and welcome to my blog, thankyou so much for dropping by : )

    Thank you Valerie.I'm not sure if she was a queen, but she certainly didn't seem impressed with my kitchen, and was quite happy to make a quick getaway! : )

    Suze, it's lovely to hear from you, i hope you are well, and busy creating your wonderful beads and cushions?

    Best wishes,
    Amanda x
