Monday, 13 January 2014

Pen and Crayon.

Although i haven't printed for a while, it's been great to start drawing again, and playing around with some fun ideas for patterns and prints. Using ink and pencil crayons, and a little Photoshop tweaking, this design almost grew from the start of drawing the first butterfly. It been wonderful using such vibrant colours, really lifting my spirits in the dire, dark winter. Great fun to create!


  1. God, Amanda you are such an .......artist!!! Really, I know you can do lino prints with very basic drawing ability (mine) but heck, there is just no comparison with what you can achieve if you are halfway a decent pencil artist! This is lovely. Get carving!

  2. This is beautiful - I absolutely love it.

  3. Amanda I am in awe of your beautiful drawing skills and it's great to your skill with pencil crayons. Looking forward to seeing what you produce from these.
    Jacqui x

  4. Thank you so much everyone, and sorry for the late reply. After quite a lull last year, I'm determined to get back to creating again this year.x

  5. Wow- this is beautiful! It would make a really lovely lithograph; I can't wait to see what you do with it. If you don't do anything else with, it is still an amazing piece of finished art.


  6. Where are you lately?

    Don't let your true skills go unnoticed, don't give up.

    I once heard a quote:

    If you reach for the stars, at least you don't come up with a handful of mud ;)

    Wakey, wakey, it won't take too long before the wold discovers 'you'.

  7. P.S sorry I meant to say World!

  8. That is simply beautiful. The detail is amazing!

  9. Thank you all for your lovely comments and welcome to the blog! new work coming soon x
