Sunday 12 June 2011

Slight Blip............

Well, it just goes to show that you can never take anything for granted! Things were going swimmingly recently, very busy and in the flow of creating new prints and ideas for new work, when i get hit by an attack of acute hemolytic anemia! A low hemoglobin count meant that i had to pop into hospital for a few days to get my blood  topped up with a blood transfusion and monitoring- (not part of the plan!) 
 Since being diagnosed with a form of Severe Combined Immunodeficiency about 5 years ago, the anemia is something i have had to accept as part of my life, but with help from a great team of consultants and nurses, I've managed to avoid a hospital admission for about a year, so this latest one came as a bit of a surprise ! 
I would like  thank to the fabulous nursing staff on Shouldham ward at Queen Elizabeth Hospital for all your hard work xx

But it's a slight blip, it's great to be back home and feeling better................with my mind racing with ideas for a new prints!


  1. Oh my word! Good to hear you're feeling better now, it must be great to be back home. Take care of yourself x

  2. Thank you- there's nothing like being home and feeling better already : ) I thought twice about positing this, but really wanted to thank all the people who help me when i have a relapse- including amazingly supportive and patient family and friends x

  3. Sorry to hear that you have been unwell Amanda just as things are going so well for you. Glad that you are feeling better :-)

  4. Glad your feeling better, look forward to seeing more of your fantastic prints ;D

  5. really sorry to hear you've been poorly. very glad you're now feeling better! looking forward to seeing more of your wonderful work amanda x

  6. wow, sounds like some blip! i'm glad to hear you are recovering, take care

  7. Thank you everyone fro your kind wishes- feeling better already : )

  8. Sounds like you were in good hands. I hope you're feeling revived - but take it easy for a few weeks, even though you're buzzing with ideas.
    Best wishes

  9. Oh dear, sounds awful! But I'm glad you are recovering. ~ Sara

  10. Sorry to hear you've been unwell and glad to hear you're feeling better now, sending best wishes!

  11. Sounds like quite a big blip but you were obviously in good hands. Pleased you are ok and I hope taking things easy. x

  12. Hi, I'm also a printmaker, love your new cards. Sorry you've been poorly, best wishes for a good recovery. As you say, thank goodness for wonderful friends and family.

  13. Hi...glad to hear you are feeling wishes from someone who loves your prints...and your blog :)x

  14. Hi Amanda

    Sorry to hear that you've not been so good and very glad to hear that you are feeling much better.

    The things that life throw's at us some days, knocks us off our feet! Get back up soon..... Lots of printing to be done.

    Sending my best wishes ~ Julie

  15. Sorry to hear you've been poorly. Just shout if you need anything, I'm only down the road x

  16. Oh dear...glad to hear that you are better. Stay well!

  17. Thank you everyone. I have to say, i've been totally overwhelmed by all your lovely wishes and words.
    I'm very lucky to have such good support, but i'm sure there are people who suffer from similar illnesses that don't get the help and support they need or deserve. I'm a lucky girl :)
    Thank you all again xx

  18. I hope you get back up to your usual manic speed soon, Amanda! Best wishes, PBx

  19. i certainly hope you're feeling better.
    not sure i would have referred to it as a "slight blip" though.

    if you love your work, it can cure anything

  20. So sorry to hear this, hope you are back up and running again very soon. Take good care x
