Monday 23 January 2012


Thank you all very much for your wonderful comments on the blog post below. Unfortunately, at the moment, Blogger is not letting me add comments to my own blog  and I'm quickly coming to the end of my tether with it, so it may be time for a change soon!!
Part of the reason i fell in love the medium of block printing is the endless variations it allows for each print. Today i had a successful day playing around with colours, layers and masking, creating different effects on each print. I suppose this is something easily and instantly created by digital imaging programs such as Photoshop, but for me the magic lies in the experimenting of the print process and having that first print come of the press- never knowing quite what the result will be.


  1. Oh, you're having trouble with Blogger too... it seems to be fairly widespread - I've seen various remarks left, on my blog and others, about not being able to comment; I've had this problem on several occasions this week. Also had probs. last night, where I'd click on a blog link, it would flash on the screen, then vanish, leaving a big blank screen....

    Anyway, moans aside, I love to see your experiments. The layered effect of the first two prints is lovely - and the inked background idea on the last is really nice. Keep on with the experimenting - you're going to have some great stuff to show for it, I'm sure!

  2. I have also been having trouble with comments.It is so frustrating! I have searched Blogger Help and found some comments there that said it could be that Blogger has added something called threaded comments and now people who use Internet Explorer are having problems with "embedded comments" like yours. Hopefully it will be fixed...sometime! In the meantime, changing the comments to "Pop-Up box" comments is working for me. See it under settings and comments where you post. Hope you can read this! Maybe it will help!
    Love to see your prints!

  3. Your prints are beautiful!! :)

  4. beautiful! the red next to the greys and black is very lovely and I love the texture or mottle in the red background x

  5. Love this work.. That red is beautiful..

  6. These are beautiful, in all there forms and colours.

  7. Thanks everyone : )
    Anne, thank you so much for the advice-something i would have never have though of myself, thank you, Amanda : )

  8. Hi Amanda, I just thought I'd let you know that I have given your blog a Liebster blog award at :)

    Love the new prints :)

  9. Great prints. Keep on printing...

  10. absolutely stunning! your blog is inspirational to say the least! these repeating prints are just too good for words...

  11. Looks like you are having lots of fun experimenting with this block, it's really coming through in the prints :) Beautiful!

  12. It looks like you are having fun with this image. The subtle variations make each print unique.

  13. Amanda...your new art is beautiful, and with so many variations I love them all.

    Your last must have read my mind, I was going to ask last week how you did what you do, and now you've shown us.

    Good luck with this one...though I do like that little bird too.

    Su x

  14. Lovely prints, I have no idea how you line the images up like that! Blogger is dreadfully glitchy, I spend most of my time swearing at it. Unfortunately it is also the most widely used and simple to follow. We can only hope someone improves it at some stage.
