Tuesday 10 April 2012

Eastern Open 2012

Sorry it's been a while since the last post, i hope you all had a lovely Easter?

 A couple of weeks ago, i went to the opening of this year's Eastern Open. I was really pleased to have a piece selected for the show, one of my St Paul's prints, but it was also a great opportunity to see other local artist's work on display. The exhibition contains work from artists living in the Eastern counties, Norfolk, Suffolk, Cambridgeshire, Essex and Hertfordshire and the exhibition itself takes place in the King's Lynn Arts Centre. 
It was lovely to see work by my friend Sarah Bays, (whose print was the first to sell!) and meet Laurie Rudling and see his wonderful collagraph pieces. One of the highlights for me was a stunning lino print montage by Claire Curtis, a striking print of Black Shuck, the notorious ghost of a demon black dog that reportedly roams East Anglia.
The exhibition runs from 31st March -19th May, Tues-Sat, 10am-5pm, King's Lynn Art Centre. http://www.kingslynnarts.co.uk/


  1. Congratulations, your print looks wonderful, hope you have lots of sales.

  2. Thank you Julie : ) It was great to be part of the Exhibition x

  3. I hope the exhibition is going well, I may try to get there..... your print looks great, well done for being selected!

  4. phew! I still have time to go...

    I love your print, Amanda...and hope all goes well for you.

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. how about next eastern open??
    where is it?
