Tuesday 12 June 2012

Sorry it's been quite a while since i've posted, but with a busy half-term and long bank holiday, life had been hectic here. With two daughters revising for their GCSE exams we've had our fair share of stress and panic running through the house and not much time to concentrate on printing. Thankfully we are now back to a little calm, and a there's little bit of time to concentrate on a new print.
Back to the bees and the layering process i used the previous print, inking and printing each bee image until the circle is completed. Each print has gone through the press about 10 times, so not the most time effective way of producing a print !
Amanda x


  1. amanda, you are one amazing printmaker!

  2. Fantastic effect! Love the hummingbirds and butterfly too.

  3. So beautiful Amanda...and one of my favourite subjects. :)

  4. Thankyou : ) Carole, you're too kind, but i have so much to learn regarding print making and i just wish i had more time and resources to develop different printing techniques further. But i'm more than happy with my little printing mangle for now : )

    So glad you all like the bees. Dragonflies next!
